The Outputs of the project will be:

INSPIRE Training Pathways

Partners develop two Learning Pathways (EQF 5 and EQF 6) for fostering Entrepreneurial thinking and creativity to HE students and VET learners, from disciplines not connected to management and economics, to develop their competences. A flexible learning pathway delivers individualised training for youth to potentially becoming entrepreneurs or self-employed. The pathways will be based upon EntreComp framework, which has been developed to facilitate the Entrepreneurial training for all European Citizens.
The learning pathways will be tested with 120 HE and VET students including at least 100 hours of training along with the rest of the developed materials and output of the project.

Training Needs Analysis Tools (TNA) and Training materials

This Output expects two interconnected parts:
The first one is the development of two Training Needs Analysis Tools (TNA). Based on a self-appraisal of knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to the INSPIRE pathways Learning Outcomes, students have the chance to develop their own learning path and come up with a training program tailored to their needs.
The second part of the output is the sets of training material that will be developed in order to be used by the students with the help of the trainers/facilitators. The materials will consist of problem-based learning, games, participatory and interactive exercises & case studies or even group discussions in some cases that will aim to develop the competencies of the INSPIRE pathways.

INSPIRE Certification Scheme

This output aims on developing certification scheme referenced to EQF level 5 for the competences of Innovative and Entrepreneurial thinking according to requirements of ISO 17024. The certification scheme is an important and easy to use tool for the confirmation and certification of competences of INPIRE competences achieved in formal, informal and non-formal learning.
Furthermore, the procedure for assigning ECTS will be reported in order to give the chance to HE students receive ECTS credits for their participation at the course.

Multilingual Online open e-learning / networking space

The partnership will develop an online space where the interested potential trainees and trainers/facilitators may find the training material, tools, resources, talk to trainers and to each other.
It will provide information and services related to INSPIRE developed training materials for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Thinking.
Specifically, the uploaded learning resources will include books, methodologies, reference materials, bibliography, relative projects developed on the INPIRE relevant Competences, case studies, relative links etc.

INSPIRE Guide book

It is a short focused methodological document which guides HE institutions and VET schools how to use the INSPIRE training materials and is aimed at providing interested stakeholders with information on how to apply and repeat the training. The guide book is also aimed at helping to plan and conduct the course, how to use the platform as well as to promote the Certification Scheme. It includes information on the main steps and stages in sequence of designing a training course all the way to evaluation for feedback into further development that includes good practices on the field and interesting cases from the activities of the project, that the potential entrepreneurs will use for motivation.